日本版画 "Gotô Hyôsuke Suketaka (R) and Gotô Daihachirô Takatsugu (L), from the series Ten Brave Retainers of Oguri (Oguri jû yûshi no hitori)" 由 Utagawa Kuniyoshi 创作

日本版画 "Gotô Hyôsuke Suketaka (R) and Gotô Daihachirô Takatsugu (L), from the series Ten Brave Retainers of Oguri (Oguri jû yûshi no hitori)" 由 Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi) 创作

艺术家:Utagawa Kuniyoshi

标题:Gotô Hyôsuke Suketaka (R) and Gotô Daihachirô Takatsugu (L), from the series Ten Brave Retainers of Oguri (Oguri jû yûshi no hitori)



来源:Museum of Fine Arts



日本版画 "Goto Daihachiro Takatsugu" 由 Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Kuniyoshi) 创作
18% 匹配度Ronin
日本版画 "Gotô Hyôsuke Suketaka (R) and Gotô Daihachirô Takatsugu (L), from the series Ten Brave Retainers of Oguri (Oguri jû yûshi no hitori)" 由 Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi) 创作
14% 匹配度MFA