Utagawa Kuniyoshi创作的日本版画《Kanetsune - 47 Ronin》

Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《Kanetsune - 47 Ronin》

艺术家:Utagawa Kuniyoshi

标题:Kanetsune - 47 Ronin

日期:1847 - 50.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Seichu Gishi Den" (Stories of Faithful Samurai). Miura Jiroemon Kanetsune. He is falling into a charcoal hearth while 47 Ronin were attacking Moronao's mansion. This series in which Kuniyoshi captured the lively and flowing movements of the heroes inspired many 47 Ronin series with similar formats by different artists.



Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川国芳))创作的日本版画《No. 49 Miura Jiroemon Kanetsune 三浦治郎左衛門包常 / Seichu gishi den 誠忠義士傳 (Biographies of Loyal and Righteous Samurai)》
47% 匹配度BM
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《Miura Jiroemon Kanetsune》
44% 匹配度Ronin
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《No. 49, Miura Jirôemon Kanetsune, from the series Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai (Seichû gishi den)》
42% 匹配度MFA
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (国芳)创作的日本版画《「誠忠義士傳」 「四十九」「三浦治郎右衛門包常」》
40% 匹配度Tokyo
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《Miura Jiroyemon Kanetsune》
38% 匹配度Ronin
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《No. 49, Miura Jirôemon Kanetsune, from the series Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai (Seichû gishi den)》
37% 匹配度MFA
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《No. 49, Miura Jirôemon Kanetsune, from the series Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai (Seichû gishi den)》
31% 匹配度MFA
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi)创作的日本版画《No. 49, Miura Jirôemon Kanetsune, from the series Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai (Seichû gishi den)》
30% 匹配度MFA
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (国芳)创作的日本版画《「誠忠義心伝」「三浦治郎右衛門包常」》
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Unknown, 無款 ()创作的日本版画
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Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (国芳)创作的日本版画《「誠忠義士伝」「四十九」》
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