Katsukawa Shuncho创作的日本版画《Ichikawa Monnosuke II, Onoe Matsusuke at a Teahouse》
标题:Ichikawa Monnosuke II, Onoe Matsusuke at a Teahouse
日期:c. 1780-1795
来源:Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Depicting actors with beautiful women may have been an attempt by print publishers to capitalize on the commercial popularity of these two artistic genres. Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815) was the first artist to depict actors and women together, and Katsukawa Shunch� later followed this lead. In this print, the actor in the center can be identified as Ichikawa Monnosuke II (1743-94) based on the family crest on his shoulder and sleeve. The actor Onoe Matsusuke (1744-1815) is shown seated on the bench with his crest displayed on his nearby jacket. The two men chat with a waitress, suggesting that the scene is taking place at a teahouse. This kind of prints must have catered to the popular interest of Kabuki fans in their favorite stars' private lives.