Shotei Hokuju创作的日本版画《View of Ushijima across the Asakusa River from the Mouth of the San'ya Moat (Asakusagawa San'ya-bori iriguchi mukai Ushijima no kei), from the series The Eastern Capital (Tôto)》

Shotei Hokuju, 昇亭北壽 (Shôtei Hokuju)创作的日本版画《View of Ushijima across the Asakusa River from the Mouth of the San'ya Moat (Asakusagawa San'ya-bori iriguchi mukai Ushijima no kei), from the series The Eastern Capital (Tôto)》

艺术家:Shotei Hokuju

标题:View of Ushijima across the Asakusa River from the Mouth of the San'ya Moat (Asakusagawa San'ya-bori iriguchi mukai Ushijima no kei), from the series The Eastern Capital (Tôto)

日期:Japanese, Edo period


来源:Museum of Fine Arts



Shotei Hokuju, 昇亭北壽 (Hokuju)创作的日本版画《"ASAKUSA RIVER"》
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