Ishikawa Toyomasa创作的日本版画《Ox, the Second Month (Ushi, Kisaragi), from the series Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (Jûni shi)》

Ishikawa Toyomasa, 石川豊雅 (Ishikawa Toyomasa)创作的日本版画《Ox, the Second Month (Ushi, Kisaragi), from the series Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (Jûni shi)》

艺术家:Ishikawa Toyomasa

标题:Ox, the Second Month (Ushi, Kisaragi), from the series Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (Jûni shi)

日期:Japanese, Edo period


来源:Museum of Fine Arts



Ishikawa Toyomasa, 石川豊雅 (Ishikawa Toyomasa (石川豊雅))创作的日本版画《Ushi jogetsu / Juni-shi》
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Ishikawa Toyomasa, 石川豊雅 (Ishikawa Toyomasa)创作的日本版画《Second month of the year of the bull.》
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