Utagawa Hiroshige创作的日本版画《No. 53, Kusatsu: From Kusatsu to Yabase, a Bow and Bowstring (Kusatsu, Kusatsu kara Yabase michi no yumi to tsuru), from the series Famous Sights of the Fifty-three Stations (Gojûsan tsugi meisho zue), also known as the Vertical Tôkaidô》
标题:No. 53, Kusatsu: From Kusatsu to Yabase, a Bow and Bowstring (Kusatsu, Kusatsu kara Yabase michi no yumi to tsuru), from the series Famous Sights of the Fifty-three Stations (Gojûsan tsugi meisho zue), also known as the Vertical Tôkaidô