日本版画 "Five Bijin in a garden" 由 Toyohara Chikanobu 创作

日本版画 "Five Bijin in a garden" 由 Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延)) 创作

艺术家:Toyohara Chikanobu

标题:Five Bijin in a garden

日期:Not set


来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Triptych: Passtimes for Noble Bijin: Clearing the Snow Artist: Chikanobu Format: Oban triptych: 14" x 27.5" overall Subject: A bijin with a broom to sweep away the melting snow of early spring, averts her head to avoid a fall of snow from an early flowering Prunus tree. Other elegant bijin look on. A flight of Chidori above. A charming snow triptych. Date: c. 1880's Condition: Slightly trimmed. Album backing paper. Right and centre sheet united. Vertical crease mark. Some light offsetting and soils. Minor creases, marks and flaws. Generally very good state. Colour: Fine colors slight oxidation. Impression: Fine impressions with gauffrage.



日本版画 "Five Bijin in a garden" 由 Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延)) 创作
23% 匹配度JAODB
日本版画 "Plum Blossoms in Snow" 由 Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu) 创作
15% 匹配度Ronin