Kubo Shunman创作的日本版画《New Year's Festivities including Hagoita Game, Bamboo and Pine Decorations (Kadomatsu) and Manzai Dancers, with poems by Rokujuen, Emontei and associates, Edo period, circa 1800-1810》

Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman)创作的日本版画《New Year's Festivities including Hagoita Game, Bamboo and Pine Decorations (Kadomatsu) and Manzai Dancers, with poems by Rokujuen, Emontei and associates, Edo period, circa 1800-1810》

艺术家:Kubo Shunman

标题:New Year's Festivities including Hagoita Game, Bamboo and Pine Decorations (Kadomatsu) and Manzai Dancers, with poems by Rokujuen, Emontei and associates, Edo period, circa 1800-1810

日期:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868


来源:Harvard Art Museum



Ryuryukyo Shinsai, 柳々居辰斎 (Ryûryûkyo Shinsai (Japanese, 1764?–1820))创作的日本版画《New Year's Decoration of Pine Trees and Manzai Dancers》
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