Isoda Koryusai创作的日本版画《Couple Lighting Pipes Under a Plum Tree Hung with Poem-Slips, Edo period, circa 1773-1774》

Isoda Koryusai, 磯田湖龍齋 (Isoda Koryûsai)创作的日本版画《Couple Lighting Pipes Under a Plum Tree Hung with Poem-Slips, Edo period, circa 1773-1774》

艺术家:Isoda Koryusai

标题:Couple Lighting Pipes Under a Plum Tree Hung with Poem-Slips, Edo period, circa 1773-1774

日期:Edo period, Middle, 1704-1789


来源:Harvard Art Museum



Isoda Koryusai, 磯田湖龍齋 (Isoda Koryûsai)创作的日本版画《Couple Smoking under a Plum Tree》
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Isoda Kory?sai创作的日本版画《Lovers Smoking Pipes by Plum Tree》
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Isoda Koryusai, 磯田湖龍齋 (Isoda Koryüsai)创作的日本版画《Couple Smoking Pipes Under Plum Tree》
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