Kubo Shunman创作的日本版画《Blue Celadon Ladle Stand (Ao seiji shakutate), from the series Five Colors of Tea Utensils (Chaki goshiki shose), with poems by Yufusha Umetsuna, Eirakutei Tomozuru and Garyuen, Edo period, circa 1817-1819》

Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman)创作的日本版画《Blue Celadon Ladle Stand (Ao seiji shakutate), from the series Five Colors of Tea Utensils (Chaki goshiki shose), with poems by Yufusha Umetsuna, Eirakutei Tomozuru and Garyuen, Edo period, circa 1817-1819》

艺术家:Kubo Shunman

标题:Blue Celadon Ladle Stand (Ao seiji shakutate), from the series Five Colors of Tea Utensils (Chaki goshiki shose), with poems by Yufusha Umetsuna, Eirakutei Tomozuru and Garyuen, Edo period, circa 1817-1819

日期:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868


来源:Harvard Art Museum



Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman (Japanese, 1757–1820))创作的日本版画《Blue; Dipper-holder of Celadon and Other Objects for the Tea Ceremony》
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