Kubo Shunman创作的日本版画《Iris (Kakitsubata) and Peony (Botan), from the series An Array of Plants for the Kasumi Circle (Kasumi-ren sômoku awase), with poems by Gurendo Nakakubo and Haikai Utaba (Utagaki Magao), Edo period, circa 1804-1815》
艺术家:Kubo Shunman
标题:Iris (Kakitsubata) and Peony (Botan), from the series An Array of Plants for the Kasumi Circle (Kasumi-ren sômoku awase), with poems by Gurendo Nakakubo and Haikai Utaba (Utagaki Magao), Edo period, circa 1804-1815
日期:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868