Kubo Shunman创作的日本版画《Chinese Boy Feeding Dragon, with poems by Chiurutei and Kansanro, Edo period, probably 1809 (Bunka 5, Year of the Dragon)》

Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman)创作的日本版画《Chinese Boy Feeding Dragon, with poems by Chiurutei and Kansanro, Edo period, probably 1809 (Bunka 5, Year of the Dragon)》

艺术家:Kubo Shunman

标题:Chinese Boy Feeding Dragon, with poems by Chiurutei and Kansanro, Edo period, probably 1809 (Bunka 5, Year of the Dragon)

日期:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868


来源:Harvard Art Museum
