日本版画 "Ono no Komachi from the series The Six Poets Represented by Modern Children (Tosei kodomo rokkasen), Late Edo period, circa 1800-1806" 由 Kitagawa Utamaro 创作

日本版画 "Ono no Komachi from the series The Six Poets Represented by Modern Children (Tosei kodomo rokkasen), Late Edo period, circa 1800-1806" 由 Kitagawa Utamaro, 喜多川歌麿 (Kitagawa Utamaro) 创作

艺术家:Kitagawa Utamaro

标题:Ono no Komachi from the series The Six Poets Represented by Modern Children (Tosei kodomo rokkasen), Late Edo period, circa 1800-1806

日期:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868


来源:Harvard Art Museum



日本版画 "Ono no Komachi, from the series Modern Children as the Six Poetic Immortals (Tôsei kodomo rokkasen)" 由 Kitagawa Utamaro, 喜多川歌麿 (Kitagawa Utamaro I) 创作
17% 匹配度MFA