Okumura Toshinobu创作的日本版画《Actor Yamashita Kinsaku as Asama, from the series Beauties of the Three Cities, Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto, Edo period, early 18th century》

Okumura Toshinobu, 奥村利信 (Okumura Toshinobu)创作的日本版画《Actor Yamashita Kinsaku as Asama, from the series Beauties of the Three Cities, Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto, Edo period, early 18th century》

艺术家:Okumura Toshinobu

标题:Actor Yamashita Kinsaku as Asama, from the series Beauties of the Three Cities, Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto, Edo period, early 18th century

日期:Edo period, Middle, 1704-1789


来源:Harvard Art Museum
