
Unknown, 無款 ()创作的日本版画


Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui)创作的日本版画《Selection of Scenes from Japan: Gion Bridge, Amakusa (Nihon fukei senshu: Amakusa Hondo Gionbashi)》
50% 匹配度Scholten
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui (川瀬巴水))创作的日本版画《Gion bashi bridge, Asakusa》
49% 匹配度JAODB
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Hasui)创作的日本版画《Amakusa Hono Gion Bridge》
48% 匹配度Ronin
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui (川瀬巴水))创作的日本版画《Gion bashi bridge, Asakusa》
32% 匹配度JAODB
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui)创作的日本版画《The Gion Bridge at Hondo, Amakusa (Amakusa Hondo Gion-bashi), from the series Selected Views of Japan (Nihon fûkei senshû)》
31% 匹配度MFA
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui (川瀬巴水))创作的日本版画《Gion bashi bridge, Asakusa》
29% 匹配度JAODB
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui)创作的日本版画《Gion Bridge, Amakusa》
26% 匹配度Chazen
Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui (川瀬巴水))创作的日本版画《Gion bashi bridge, Asakusa》
22% 匹配度JAODB