Kubo Shunman创作的日本版画《diptych print》

Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman (窪俊満))创作的日本版画《diptych print》

艺术家:Kubo Shunman

标题:diptych print

日期:1787-1788 (c.)


来源:British Museum


Colour woodblock-printed diptych. Party in Shikian restaurant on Nakazu island overlooking Sumida River; with sake, fish and shamisen; storehouses of Fukagawa on opposite bank. Signed, sealed, marked and inscribed.



Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman)创作的日本版画《A Party at the Shikian Restaurant in Nakasu》
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Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman (Japanese, 1757–1820))创作的日本版画《Two Young Men and Several Women Dining at a Tea-house on the Bank of the Sumida River》
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Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman)创作的日本版画《A Party at the Shikian Restaurant in Nakasu》
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Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (Kubo Shunman)创作的日本版画《The restaurant Shikian of Nakazu.》
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Kubo Shunman, 窪俊満 (俊満)创作的日本版画《(河岸の茶屋)》
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