Utagawa Kuniyoshi创作的日本版画《Sanuki no inken zoku o shite Tametomo o sukuu zu 讃岐院ケン属をして爲朝をすくふ圖 (Tametomo and his Son Rescued by Tengu)》
标题:Sanuki no inken zoku o shite Tametomo o sukuu zu 讃岐院ケン属をして爲朝をすくふ圖 (Tametomo and his Son Rescued by Tengu)
来源:British Museum
Colour woodblock-printed triptych. Tametomo and his son rescued by tengu: Tametomo's party overcome in sea by storm; his wife in sea; Kihei climbing on to back of huge shark; Tametomo stopped from killing himself by spirits of tengu. Inscribed, signed, marked and sealed.