Toshusai Sharaku创作的日本版画《Nakamura Konozo and Nakajima Wadayemon - kabuki》
艺术家:Toshusai Sharaku
标题:Nakamura Konozo and Nakajima Wadayemon - kabuki
日期:Originally in Edo era, this one was re-carved edition made in unknown date.
来源:artelino - Japanese Prints
Two kabuki actors, Nakamura Konozo and Nakamima Wadayemon in bust portrait. Typical for Sharaku's actor portraits is the exaggerated, near to caricature expressiveness. Sharaku is one of the greatest misteries of art history. He popped out of nowhere, created some 140 designs, mostly bust portraits of kabuki actors, and then disappeared from the scene. Numerous theories have been developed and countless books were written trying to give an answer to one of the biggest enigmas in art history. Prints by Sharaku are among the rarest and most expensive ukiyo-e. Prices for a Sharaku panel can easily exceed 100,000 USD and is nevertheless not offered more than once or twice per year. .