Kawanabe Kyosai创作的日本版画《From the 47 Ronin》

Kawanabe Kyosai, 河鍋暁斎 (Kawanabe Kyosai)创作的日本版画《From the 47 Ronin》

艺术家:Kawanabe Kyosai

标题:From the 47 Ronin



来源:Robyn Buntin of Honolulu


From the series entitled Genroku Yamato Nishiki. Each print of this series shows one or two heroic warriors from the 47 Ronin. Kneeling is Yato Yomoshichi Norikane and standing behind him is Chiba Saburohei Mitsutada. The colors are brilliant and there is oxidation to the blue background which may indicate a silver mica originally. Published by Takegawa Seikichi.



Kawanabe Kyosai, 河鍋暁斎 (Kawanabe Kyosai)创作的日本版画《From the 47 Ronin》
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