日本版画 "(長柄川鵜飼船)" 由 栄泉 创作

日本版画 "(長柄川鵜飼船)" 由 栄泉 创作




来源:Ritsumeikan University





日本版画 "No. 55, Kôdo: Cormorant Fishing Boats on the Nagae River (Kôdo, Nagaegawa ukaibune), from the series The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaidô Road, here called The Stations of the Kiso Road (Kisoji no eki)" 由 Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen) 创作
14% 匹配度MFA
日本版画 "No. 55, Kôdo: Cormorant Fishing Boats on the Nagae River (Kôdo, Nagaegawa ukaibune), from the series The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaidô Road, here called The Stations of the Kiso Road (Kisoji no eki)" 由 Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen) 创作
12% 匹配度MFA
日本版画 "No 55 Kodo Nagare-gawa ukai-fune / Kisokaido" 由 Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen (渓斉英泉)) 创作
12% 匹配度BM
日本版画 "No. 55, Kôdo: Cormorant Fishing Boats on the Nagae River (Kôdo, Nagaegawa ukaibune), from the series The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaidô Road, here called The Stations of the Kiso Road (Kisoji no eki)" 由 Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen) 创作
10% 匹配度MFA