Torii Kotondo创作的日本版画《No. 4 - Morning Hair - 朝寝髪》
艺术家:Torii Kotondo
标题:No. 4 - Morning Hair - 朝寝髪
日期:1931 1980s)
来源:Ohmi Gallery
From the full set of twelve scenes. This print has Kotondo's signature and seal within the image area; Printer and carver seals, red Torii artist's seal, red publisher's 'moneybag' seal (left margin); Watermark in lower left margin. Nearly double-oban in size. Limited edition published circa 1980s. Carver: Koike. Printer: Watanabe. Includes original deluxe presentation folder. This item is for sale as part of an album set. To purchase this album set please see here.