Watanabe Shotei创作的日本版画《Fisherman and Woodcutter - 漁樵問答図 (1)》
艺术家:Watanabe Shotei
标题:Fisherman and Woodcutter - 漁樵問答図 (1)
来源:Ohmi Gallery
Painted area size: 41 x 110cm. Signature 'Shotei' at upper right. The four kanji characters beside the artist's seal read 'Mizunoene matsubi', which signifies that it was drawn in the summer of 1912. Mizunoene is a Chinese-style year dating with 60 different combinations of so-called 'Eto'. Based on the scroll make, style, and wear, etc., it was most probably drawn in 1912, not in 1972 nor in 1852. (1) This item is either untitled or the title is unknown. This item is from my personal collection and is not for sale.