Hasegawa Noboru创作的日本版画《Onoe Baikou Playing Fuji Musume- Wisteria Maiden - 藤娘 尾上梅幸》

Hasegawa Noboru创作的日本版画《Onoe Baikou Playing Fuji Musume- Wisteria Maiden - 藤娘 尾上梅幸》

艺术家:Hasegawa Noboru

标题:Onoe Baikou Playing Fuji Musume- Wisteria Maiden - 藤娘 尾上梅幸



来源:Ohmi Gallery


Edition 32/10. Includes original publisher's folder. Printed by Ookura, carved by Horikawa Shozaburo. A beautiful and rare scene of Fuji Musume played by 尾上梅幸 (Onoe Baikou, 1915.8.31-). I have only seen two copies of this print and I purchased both copies. I thought this print was a painting when I first viewed it. This item is from my personal collection and is not for sale.



Hasegawa Noboru创作的日本版画《Onoe Baikou Playing Fuji Musume- Wisteria Maiden - 藤娘 尾上梅幸》
64% 匹配度Ohmi
Hasegawa Noboru (長谷川昇)创作的日本版画《Onoe Baikou Playing Fuji Musume- Wisteria Maiden — 藤娘、尾上梅幸》
60% 匹配度JAODB
Unknown, 無款 (null)创作的日本版画《Wisteria Maiden》
60% 匹配度Artelino
Hasegawa Noboru (長谷川昇)创作的日本版画《Onoe Baikou Playing Fuji Musume- Wisteria Maiden — 藤娘、尾上梅幸》
52% 匹配度JAODB