Fujishima Takeji创作的日本版画《Koyasan Nemoto Big Pagoda - 高野山根本》

Fujishima Takeji, 藤島武二 (Asano, Takeji)创作的日本版画《Koyasan Nemoto Big Pagoda - 高野山根本》

艺术家:Fujishima Takeji

标题:Koyasan Nemoto Big Pagoda - 高野山根本



来源:Ohmi Gallery


This series is rare and according to the publisher Unsodo it was only ever printed in a first edition. On each print: black Takeji signature and red artist seal. Title in bottom margin.



Fujishima Takeji, 藤島武二 (Asano, Takeji)创作的日本版画《Koyasan Nemoto Big Pagoda - 高野山根本》
68% 匹配度Ohmi
Asano Takeji, 浅野竹二 (Asano Takeji (浅野竹二))创作的日本版画《Nemoto Big Pagoda at Mt. Koya — Koyasan Nemoto Ohto》
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Asano Takeji, 浅野竹二 (Asano Takeji)创作的日本版画《Pagoda of Mt. Koya》
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Asano Takeji, 浅野竹二 (Asano Takeji (浅野竹二))创作的日本版画《Nemoto Big Pagoda at Mt. Koya — Koyasan Nemoto Ohto》
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