日本版画 "(Autumn leaves and nuts)" 由 Ko_ Su_koku II 创作
艺术家:Ko_ Su_koku II
标题:(Autumn leaves and nuts)
来源:Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Brought back from an outing in the mountains, these colored leaves and nuts suggest that autumn is settling over the countryside. It is time to view the fall colors. In the Edo period (1603-1867), autumn was also the season for poetry gatherings. The quantity of surimono produced in celebration of autumn was second only to shunky� (New Years). In addition to colorful leaves, the moon, geese, deer, insects, and a variety of autumnal vegetables and flowers were typical subjects for the poems composed at such gatherings. The painter K� S�koku II was a member of the Hanabusa School, founded by Hanabusa Itch� (1652-1724), a prominent painter who also studied poetry under the master haiku poet Matsuo Bash� (1644-94). Hence, the Hanabusa School artists had close ties with literary salons and poetry associations. Following this tradition, S�koku contributed to a number of poetry surimono publications.