Utagawa Yoshitsuya创作的日本版画《Fukakusa Village, Grave of Shôshô, Cherry Tree of Shôshô, Gensei-ji Temple, from the series Scenes of Famous Places along the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô meisho fûkei), aka Processional Tôkaidô (Gyôretsu Tôkaidô), here called Tôkaidô meisho no uchi》
标题:Fukakusa Village, Grave of Shôshô, Cherry Tree of Shôshô, Gensei-ji Temple, from the series Scenes of Famous Places along the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô meisho fûkei), aka Processional Tôkaidô (Gyôretsu Tôkaidô), here called Tôkaidô meisho no uchi