日本版画 "The Jewel River of Mount Kôya (Kôya no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of the Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)" 由 Hosoda Eishi 创作

日本版画 "The Jewel River of Mount Kôya (Kôya no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of the Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)" 由 Chobunsai Eishi (Chôbunsai Eishi) 创作

艺术家:Hosoda Eishi

标题:The Jewel River of Mount Kôya (Kôya no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of the Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)



来源:Museum of Fine Arts



日本版画 "The Jewel River of Mount Kôya (Kôya no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of the Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)" 由 Chobunsai Eishi (Chôbunsai Eishi) 创作
14% 匹配度MFA
日本版画 "「高野玉川」" 由 栄之 创作
10% 匹配度Rits