Utagawa Kunisada创作的日本版画《Actor as , from the series Mirrors for Collage Pictures in the Modern Style (Imayô oshi-e kagami)》

Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III))创作的日本版画《Actor as , from the series Mirrors for Collage Pictures in the Modern Style (Imayô oshi-e kagami)》

艺术家:Utagawa Kunisada

标题:Actor as , from the series Mirrors for Collage Pictures in the Modern Style (Imayô oshi-e kagami)



来源:Museum of Fine Arts



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Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada (歌川国貞 Toyokuni III))创作的日本版画《Imayo oshi-e kagami》
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