日本版画 "The Imitation Kisen (Gisu Kisen): Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Oniazami Seishichi, from the series Selected Underworld Characters for the Six Poetic Immortals (Mitate shiranami rokkasen)" 由 Utagawa Kunisada 创作

日本版画 "The Imitation Kisen (Gisu Kisen): Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Oniazami Seishichi, from the series Selected Underworld Characters for the Six Poetic Immortals (Mitate shiranami rokkasen)" 由 Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III)) 创作

艺术家:Utagawa Kunisada

标题:The Imitation Kisen (Gisu Kisen): Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Oniazami Seishichi, from the series Selected Underworld Characters for the Six Poetic Immortals (Mitate shiranami rokkasen)



来源:Museum of Fine Arts



日本版画 "The Imitation Kisen (Gisu Kisen): Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Oniazami Seishichi, from the series Selected Underworld Characters for the Six Poetic Immortals (Mitate shiranami rokkasen)" 由 Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III)) 创作
52% 匹配度MFA