日本版画 "Ladies Practicing Martial Arts (Opening Scene of the Play Mirror Mountain)" 由 Utagawa Toyokuni I 创作

日本版画 "Ladies Practicing Martial Arts (Opening Scene of the Play Mirror Mountain)" 由 Utagawa Toyokuni I, 歌川豊国 (Utagawa Toyokuni I) 创作

艺术家:Utagawa Toyokuni I

标题:Ladies Practicing Martial Arts (Opening Scene of the Play Mirror Mountain)

日期:Japanese, Edo period


来源:Museum of Fine Arts



日本版画 "a parody of kendo (the way of the sword)" 由 Utagawa Toyokuni (Utagawa Toyokuni) 创作
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日本版画 "Ladies Practicing Martial Arts (Opening Scene of the Play Mirror Mountain)" 由 Utagawa Toyokuni I, 歌川豊国 (Utagawa Toyokuni I) 创作
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日本版画 "Two bijin performing a mitate of a sword fight watched by ladies of the upper class" 由 Utagawa Toyokuni (Toyokuni 1 Utagawa (歌川豊国(初代))) 创作
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