日本版画 "Hitomoto of the Daimonji(ya), kamuro Senkaku and Banki, from the series Female Poetic Immortals in the Modern Style, a Set of Thirty-six (Imayô onna kasen, sanjûrokuban tsuzuki)" 由 Kitagawa Shikimaro 创作

日本版画 "Hitomoto of the Daimonji(ya), kamuro Senkaku and Banki, from the series Female Poetic Immortals in the Modern Style, a Set of Thirty-six (Imayô onna kasen, sanjûrokuban tsuzuki)" 由 Kitagawa Shikimaro 创作

艺术家:Kitagawa Shikimaro

标题:Hitomoto of the Daimonji(ya), kamuro Senkaku and Banki, from the series Female Poetic Immortals in the Modern Style, a Set of Thirty-six (Imayô onna kasen, sanjûrokuban tsuzuki)



来源:Museum of Fine Arts



日本版画 "Hitomoto of the Daimonji(ya), kamuro Senkaku and Banki, from the series Female Poetic Immortals in the Modern Style, a Set of Thirty-six (Imayô onna kasen, sanjûrokuban tsuzuki)" 由 Kitagawa Shikimaro 创作
51% 匹配度MFA
日本版画 "Courtesan Hitomoto and Senkaku and Manki from the Daimonji house" 由 Kitagawa Shikimaro 创作
36% 匹配度MAK