日本版画 "The Three Heroes of Shoku (Shu): Emperor Ryubi (Liu Fei) and His Friends Kwan-u (Kwan Yu) and Chohi (Chang Fei)" 由 Yashima Gakutei 创作

日本版画 "The Three Heroes of Shoku (Shu): Emperor Ryubi (Liu Fei) and His Friends Kwan-u (Kwan Yu) and Chohi (Chang Fei)" 由 Yashima Gakutei, 屋島岳亭 (Yashima Gakutei (Japanese, 1786?–1868)) 创作

艺术家:Yashima Gakutei

标题:The Three Heroes of Shoku (Shu): Emperor Ryubi (Liu Fei) and His Friends Kwan-u (Kwan Yu) and Chohi (Chang Fei)

日期:first half of the 19th century


详情:ARC Ukiyo-e数据库

来源:Metropolitan Museum of Art



日本版画 "No. 3: Zhang Fei (Sono san Chôhi), from the series "The Three Heroes of Shu (Shoku sanketsu)"" 由 Yashima Gakutei, 屋島岳亭 (Yashima Gakutei) 创作
10% 匹配度AIC
日本版画 "No. 2, Guan Yu (Sono ni, Kan'u), from the series Three Heroes of the State of Shu (Shoku sanketsu)" 由 Yashima Gakutei, 屋島岳亭 (Yashima Gakutei) 创作
9% 匹配度MFA