Katsushika Hokusai创作的日本版画

Katsushika Hokusai, 葛飾北斎 (Katsushika HOKUSAI)创作的日本版画

艺术家:Katsushika Hokusai



来源:Richard Kruml


Two volumes complete Toto shokei ichiran “A View of the Famous Sights of the Eastern Capital”. Dated Kansei 12 (1800) and published by Tsutaya Jusaburo, Suwaraya Mohei and Suwaraya Ihachi, all of Edo. Original covers, hand-painted with Iris flowers, and title slips. The first edition (probably of 200 copies) was published solely by Tsutaya Jusaburo in 1800 with title Toto meisho ichiran. The example offered here was published shortly afterwards (probably also in 1800). There were also later reprints in 1815 and 1840. One of Hokusai’s best known books and featuring his best work of this period. Difficult to find in an early edition. Ex Kegan Paul Gallery. Good condition: title slips damaged and some thumbing. A little movement of the blue pigment due to dampness, but overall a nice example of this important work. Signed on colophon Hokusai Tatsumasa. Status: Sold



Katsushika Hokusai, 葛飾北斎 (Katsushika HOKUSAI)创作的日本版画
11% 匹配度Kruml
Katsushika Hokusai, 葛飾北斎 (Hokusai)创作的日本版画《Mimeguri》
6% 匹配度WBP