Kondo Shiun创作的日本版画《June - Irises》

Kondo Shiun创作的日本版画《June - Irises》

艺术家:Kondo Shiun

标题:June - Irises



来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Sunday, 30 November 2008 ARTIST: Kondo, Shiun (act. 1920-30's) SERIES: Collection of New Ukiyo-e Beauties TITLE OR SUBJECT: Iris, June SIGNATURE AND SEAL: Signature and seal DATE OR CIRCA: Not dated (1924) PAPER SIZE: 17 1/2 x 11 1/4 inches IMPRESSION/COLOR/CONDITION: Good/Good/Good CONDITION DETAILS: Three repairs of folio detachment marks verso, several small hole repairs lower left margin (two pin-size hole repairs in image), a few small pigment transfer stains (largest on lower arm), otherwise good state



Kondo, Shiun创作的日本版画《Iris, June》
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