Kobayashi Kiyochika创作的日本版画《The Sumida River at Night — 隅田川夜》

Kobayashi Kiyochika, 小林清親 (Kobayashi Kiyochika (小林清親))创作的日本版画《The Sumida River at Night — 隅田川夜》

艺术家:Kobayashi Kiyochika

标题:The Sumida River at Night — 隅田川夜

日期:Not set


来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Title Night at Sumida River (recarved edition) Artist Kiyochika Kobayashi 1847-1915 Signature Kobayashi Kiyochika on the left margin and in the plate Dated originally 1881, this is a re-carved edition in mid 20th C. Publisher originally Fukuda Kumajiro, this one by Mariashobu Impression excellent - very good ... (re-carved) Colors excellent - very good Condition very good ... paper toning, some light brown spots on the upper margin, two printer's creases on the left margin, mounting residue along the top edge on verso. Description "Sumidagawa Yoru" (Night Scene at Sumida River). From his Tokyo landscape series in 1876-81. He estublished his reputation as the creator of moody "Kosen-ga"(Light-ray picture) which depicted mostly the night scenes illuminated with strong light and shadows. (Differences between the Original and Re-cut edition listed as item #11100) : (1) Paper ... original is very thin Japanese paper about same as newspaper thickness. The re-cut is somewhat thicker. (2) Marking below the cartouche on the left margin ... The re-cut from Mariashobu has a small triangler mark ("ma" in Japanese), original does not. (3) Plate size ... original plate is somewhat smaller than the re-cut and slightly mis-shaped. Length 325mm x (height at left side is 207mm, but at right side is 203mm). Re-cut has the perfect rectangular shape 325mm x 205mm. (4) Background landscape ... several small but distinct differences. Most notably, the chimneys on the left are missing on the re-cut edition. (5) Colors and the mist ... Original has much bluer hues and the dark sky has lighter "bokashi" toward the horizon. Re-cut edition has more black-gray tones and does not have "bokashi" on the sky. But it has white misty overprinting on the lake. Asides from the price difference, which version do you like more? Format Oban yoko-e Width 14.6 inches = 37.0 cm Height 9.8 inches = 25.0 cm Literature Reigle-Stephens, Amy, "The New Wave: Twentieth Century Japanese Prints from the Robert O. Muller Collection", London and Leiden: Bamboo Publishing Ltd. and Hotei, ISBN 1-870076-19-2, - pg.58-59, this series described



Kobayashi Kiyochika, 小林清親 (Kobayashi Kiyochika)创作的日本版画《The Sumida River at Night》
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Kobayashi Kiyochika, 小林清親 (Kobayashi Kiyochika (小林清親))创作的日本版画《The Sumida River at Night — 隅田川夜》
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Unknown, 無款 ()创作的日本版画
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Kobayashi Kiyochika, 小林清親 (Kobayashi Kiyochika (小林清親))创作的日本版画《The Sumida River at Night — 隅田川夜》
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Kobayashi Kiyochika, 小林清親 (Kobayashi Kiyochika)创作的日本版画《The Sumida River at Night》
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