Utagawa Hiroshige创作的日本版画《Fuchu》
日期:Not set
来源:Japanese Art Open Database
20 Fuchu A woman in a kago being carried across the Abe River; others fording the stream from the opposite bank; a range of mountains in the background. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, spent his childhood and retirement years here.The Abe River flows to the west of this station and travellers had to cross in a variety of ways, as depicted in the print. This station has become the present Shizuoka City.

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21% 匹配度Honolulu

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21% 匹配度Honolulu

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20% 匹配度Buntin

19% 匹配度Artelino

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19% 匹配度Honolulu

18% 匹配度Tokyo

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15% 匹配度Artelino

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14% 匹配度Artelino

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12% 匹配度Chazen

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9% 匹配度Honolulu

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8% 匹配度Buntin

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