Keisai Eisen创作的日本版画《Act 11, The Raid》

Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Eisen Keisai (渓斎英泉))创作的日本版画《Act 11, The Raid》

艺术家:Keisai Eisen

标题:Act 11, The Raid

日期:Not set


来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Eisen Act 11, The Raid (161-1-11) Oboshi and his gang raid the mansion of Moronao, accomplishing their long-cherished objectives. They then withdraw to their lordOs family temple, Komyo-ji. The print shows the raid on a snowy night. The date was the 14th day of the 12th month under the lunar calendar. This would be mid January in the solar calendar, and hence the heavy snow is quite plausible.



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