Keisai Eisen创作的日本版画《Itabashi》

Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Eisen Keisai (渓斎英泉))创作的日本版画《Itabashi》

艺术家:Keisai Eisen


日期:Not set


来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Eisen Keisai (1791-1848) The Sixty-Nine Stations along the Kiso Highway: Itabashi 作者:渓斎英泉(寛政3〜嘉永元) 画題:木曾街道 板橋之駅(木曾海道六拾九次之内) 版元:竹之内孫八 年代等:極印 体裁:大判錦絵〔24.9×37.3cm〕 署名:英泉画



Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《Itabashi Station》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《"No.2: Itabashi Station"》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《No. 2, Itabashi Station (Itabashi no eki), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《No. 2, Itabashi Station (Itabashi no eki), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《No. 2, Itabashi Station (Itabashi no eki), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《Print 2: Post station at Idabashi (Station 1)》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《No. 2, Itabashi Station (Itabashi no eki), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen (渓斉英泉))创作的日本版画《No2 Itabashi no eki / Kisokaido》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)创作的日本版画《Itabashi, pl. 2 from a facsimile edition of Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Highway (Kisokaido rokujukyu tsui)》
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Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Eisen Keisai)创作的日本版画《Itabashi Station, no. 2 from the series The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido》
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