Toyohara Chikanobu创作的日本版画《Two court ladies on the balcony of a mountain lodge》

Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延))创作的日本版画《Two court ladies on the balcony of a mountain lodge》

艺术家:Toyohara Chikanobu

标题:Two court ladies on the balcony of a mountain lodge

日期:Not set


来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Saturday, 30 April 2005 ARTIST: Chikanobu. FORMAT: Oban, Triptych (14 by 28.5 ins). DATE: 1890. DESCRIPTION: Two court ladies on the balcony of a mountain lodge. Gardeners warm themselves while heating Sake. PUBLISHER: Hasegawa Tsunejiro. CONDITION: Fine impression, colour and condition. Retains Japanese album backing.



Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (周延)创作的日本版画《−》
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Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (周延)创作的日本版画《−》
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