Toyohara Chikanobu创作的日本版画《Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina — 更科田毎の月》

Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延))创作的日本版画《Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina — 更科田毎の月》

艺术家:Toyohara Chikanobu

标题:Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina — 更科田毎の月



来源:Japanese Art Open Database


Title Women in a tea ceremony room Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina Artist Chikanobu Signed Yoshu Chikanobu Date 1891 Publisher Takegawa Ukichi Format Oban triptych (29" X 14 1/2") Impression Fine, lacquer Condition Excellent color



Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延))创作的日本版画《Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina — 更科田毎の月》
32% 匹配度JAODB
Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (CHIKANOBU)创作的日本版画《��������η�, 1891》
31% 匹配度HRSHB
Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延))创作的日本版画《Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina — 更科田毎の月》
24% 匹配度JAODB
Toyohara Chikanobu, 豊原周延 (Chikanobu Yoshu (1838-1912) Toyohara (楊洲周延))创作的日本版画《Moon reflected in the rice fields in Sarashina — 更科田毎の月》
19% 匹配度JAODB