日本版画 "Nakamura Noshio II as Okaru" 由 Katsukawa Shun'ei 创作

日本版画 "Nakamura Noshio II as Okaru" 由 Katsukawa Shunei (Katsukawa Shunei) 创作

艺术家:Katsukawa Shun'ei

标题:Nakamura Noshio II as Okaru



来源:Honolulu Museum of Art


Chüshingura was a popular resource for Kabuki plays because of its themes of honor, loyalty and revenge. This famous tale of forty-seven rönin (masterless samurai) was based on a true historical incident. In 1701, the leader of a group of forty-seven samurai was forced to commit seppuku (suicide) for assaulting Kira, a high court official who insulted him. The rönin avenged their leader in 1702 by killing Kira and then committing suicide. (from Daring Moves exhibition, 8/1/06-)



日本版画 "Portrait of the Actor Nakamura Yasio as an Oiran Standing, Facing to the Left" 由 Katsukawa Shun'ei, 勝川春英 (Katsukawa Shun'ei (Japanese, 1762–1819)) 创作
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日本版画 "(瀬川菊之丞)" 由 Katsukawa Shun'ei, 勝川春英 (春英) 创作
16% 匹配度Rits