Utagawa Kunimasa创作的日本版画《The Actor Ichikawa Ebizö as Usui Aratarö Sadamitsu in the play, Seiwa Nidai Öyose Genji》

Utagawa Kunimasa, 歌川国政 (Utagawa Kunimasa I)创作的日本版画《The Actor Ichikawa Ebizö as Usui Aratarö Sadamitsu in the play, Seiwa Nidai Öyose Genji》

艺术家:Utagawa Kunimasa

标题:The Actor Ichikawa Ebizö as Usui Aratarö Sadamitsu in the play, Seiwa Nidai Öyose Genji



来源:Honolulu Museum of Art


Kunimasa depicts the actor in the play, Seiwa Nidai Öyose Genji, performed in 1796 at the Edo Miyako-za Theater. It is considered by some to be the finest print design produced by this artist. (from Daring Moves Exhibition, 8/1/06-) Kunimasa depicts the actor in the play Seiwa Nidai Öyose Genji, performed in 1796 at the Miyako-za theater in Edo. The actor is seen in dramatically rendered profile, juxtaposed by bold linear patterning in the textile design on the lower right. Many regard this print as one of Kunimasa's greatest designs. (from “Kabuki Actors on Stage” exhibition 4/14/2003-)



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Utagawa Kunimasa, 歌川国政 (Utagawa Kunimasa (歌川国政))创作的日本版画
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Utagawa Kunimasa, 歌川国政 (Utagawa Kunimasa)创作的日本版画《Actor Ichikawa Ebizô in Shibaraku》
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Utagawa Kunimasa, 歌川国政 (歌川国政)创作的日本版画
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