Utagawa Toyohiro创作的日本版画《Watching Archers on Horseback in March - From a Series of Triptychs for the Months of the Year designed by Toyohiro and Toyokuni I》

Utagawa Toyohiro, 歌川豊広 (Utagawa Toyohiro)创作的日本版画《Watching Archers on Horseback in March - From a Series of Triptychs for the Months of the Year designed by Toyohiro and Toyokuni I》

艺术家:Utagawa Toyohiro

标题:Watching Archers on Horseback in March - From a Series of Triptychs for the Months of the Year designed by Toyohiro and Toyokuni I

日期:18th–19th century


来源:Legion of Honor


Utagawa Toyohiro, Japanese, 1773–1828 Watching Archers on Horseback in March - From a Series of Triptychs for the Months of the Year designed by Toyohiro and Toyokuni I, 18th–19th century Color woodcut triptych 37 x 24.7 cm (image); 37 x 24.2 cm (sheet) Katherine Ball Collection 41.42.98abc



Utagawa Toyohiro, 歌川豊広 (Utagawa Toyohiro)创作的日本版画《The Third Month, a Triptych (Sangatsu, sanmaitsuzuki), from the series Twelve Months by Two Artists, Toyokuni and Toyohiro (Toyokuni Toyohiro ryôga jûnikô)》
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Utagawa Toyohiro, 歌川豊広 (Utagawa Toyohiro)创作的日本版画《The Third Month, a Triptych (Sangatsu, sanmaitsuzuki), from the series Twelve Months by Two Artists, Toyokuni and Toyohiro (Toyokuni Toyohiro ryôga jûnikô)》
18% 匹配度MFA
Utagawa Toyohiro, 歌川豊広 (Utagawa Toyohiro (歌川豊広))创作的日本版画《Sangatsu Sanmai Zuzuki / Toyokuni-Toyohiro Ryoga Juni-ko》
11% 匹配度BM