Torii Kiyotada I创作的日本版画《A Tea House in the Yoshiwara, with a Game of Backgammon》

Torii Kiyotada (Torii Kiyotada)创作的日本版画《A Tea House in the Yoshiwara, with a Game of Backgammon》

艺术家:Torii Kiyotada I

标题:A Tea House in the Yoshiwara, with a Game of Backgammon

日期:18th century


来源:Legion of Honor


Torii Kiyotada (attrib. to), Japanese, b. 1720 A Tea House in the Yoshiwara, with a Game of Backgammon, 18th century Color woodcut 43.3 x 64.1 cm (image) Museum Purchase, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts Endowment Fund 1970.25.14



Torii Kiyotada (Torii Kiyotada (Japanese, fl. ca. 1720–50))创作的日本版画《An Interior View in the Yoshiwara》
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Torii Kiyotada I, 鳥居清忠 (Torii Kiyotada I (鳥居清忠))创作的日本版画《uki-e / print》
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