Utagawa Toyoshige创作的日本版画《Evening Snow on Mt. Fuji, the Lower, Later, and Middle ShrInes (Fuji bosetsu shita sengen ato no miya haka no miye zen zu) , from the series Eight Views of Famous Shrines (Meisho hakkei)》
标题:Evening Snow on Mt. Fuji, the Lower, Later, and Middle ShrInes (Fuji bosetsu shita sengen ato no miya haka no miye zen zu) , from the series Eight Views of Famous Shrines (Meisho hakkei)
日期:ca. 1832–1836
来源:Legion of Honor
Toyokuni II, Japanese, 1777–1835 Iseya Rihei (publisher), Japanese Evening Snow on Mt. Fuji, the Lower, Later, and Middle ShrInes (Fuji bosetsu shita sengen ato no miya haka no miye zen zu) , from the series Eight Views of Famous Shrines (Meisho hakkei), ca. 1832–1836 Color woodcut Image: 225 x 352 mm (8 7/8 x 13 7/8 in.) Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts 1963.30.5574