Utagawa Hiroshige III创作的日本版画《Famous Views of Modern Tokyo: Crowds of Worshippers at the Kinryuzan Sensoji Temple on the Day of 46,000 Blessings》

Utagawa Hiroshige III, 三代目歌川広重 (UTAGAWA Hiroshige III)创作的日本版画《Famous Views of Modern Tokyo: Crowds of Worshippers at the Kinryuzan Sensoji Temple on the Day of 46,000 Blessings》

艺术家:Utagawa Hiroshige III

标题:Famous Views of Modern Tokyo: Crowds of Worshippers at the Kinryuzan Sensoji Temple on the Day of 46,000 Blessings


来源:Edo Tokyo Museum



Utagawa Hiroshige III, 三代目歌川広重 (UTAGAWA Hiroshige III)创作的日本版画《From the Famous Places in Modern Tokyo Series: The Crowds at Kinryuzan Temple, Senso-ji Temple on Yonman Rokusen Day (July 9-10, when one visit is considered equivalent to 46,000)》
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