Hosoda Eishi创作的日本版画《The Courtesan Morokoshi of the Echizen Establishment Seated by a Writing Table, Lily, from the series Six Beauties of the Licensed Quarters Compared with Flowers》

Hosoda Eishi, 細田栄之 (Hosoda Eishi)创作的日本版画《The Courtesan Morokoshi of the Echizen Establishment Seated by a Writing Table, Lily, from the series Six Beauties of the Licensed Quarters Compared with Flowers》

艺术家:Hosoda Eishi

标题:The Courtesan Morokoshi of the Echizen Establishment Seated by a Writing Table, Lily, from the series Six Beauties of the Licensed Quarters Compared with Flowers

日期:ca. 1795


来源:University of Wisconsin-Madison



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