日本版画 "The Actors Ichimura Uzaemon IX and Onoe Kikugoro I as Soga no Goro Tokimune and Asaina no Saburo in the Armor Pulling Scene from a Soga Play" 由 Torii Kiyotsune 创作

日本版画 "The Actors Ichimura Uzaemon IX and Onoe Kikugoro I as Soga no Goro Tokimune and Asaina no Saburo in the Armor Pulling Scene from a Soga Play" 由 Torii Kiyotsune, 鳥居清経 (Torii Kiyotsune) 创作

艺术家:Torii Kiyotsune

标题:The Actors Ichimura Uzaemon IX and Onoe Kikugoro I as Soga no Goro Tokimune and Asaina no Saburo in the Armor Pulling Scene from a Soga Play



来源:University of Wisconsin-Madison
