Chokosai Eisho创作的日本版画《The Courtesan Iwakoshi of the Okamoto Establishment, Summer from the series The Four Seasons and Beauties of the Licensed Quarters》

Chokosai Eisho, 鳥高斎栄昌 (Chokosai Eisho)创作的日本版画《The Courtesan Iwakoshi of the Okamoto Establishment, Summer from the series The Four Seasons and Beauties of the Licensed Quarters》

艺术家:Chokosai Eisho

标题:The Courtesan Iwakoshi of the Okamoto Establishment, Summer from the series The Four Seasons and Beauties of the Licensed Quarters

日期:ca. 1795


来源:University of Wisconsin-Madison



Hosoda Eisho创作的日本版画《The Courtesan Iwakoshi of the Okamotoya (Okamotoya Iwakoshi) , from the series Beautiful Women for the Four Seasons in the Green Houses (Seiro shiki bijin awase)》
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