日本版画 "Ju-danme 十段目 (Act Ten) / Chushingura 忠臣蔵 (Treasury of the Loyal Retainers)" 由 Kitagawa Utamaro 创作
艺术家:Kitagawa Utamaro
标题:Ju-danme 十段目 (Act Ten) / Chushingura 忠臣蔵 (Treasury of the Loyal Retainers)
日期:1801-1802 (ca.)
来源:British Museum
Colour woodblock print. Tenth composition of eleven designs. Inset picture: Amakawaya Gihei climbing onto long storage-box; officers of law encircling him. Main picture: drunken man, stripped down to his underclothes, sitting on top of straw-covered sake keg; advertising lantern above him; two young servant boys in foreground. Inscribed, signed, marked.
29% 匹配度MFA